
Monday, July 26, 2010 | |

With a little help from my husband, our good friend Cindy, from Ottawa Canada, managed to give me one of the best gifts ever! A surprise visit from her and her husband, Andrew, for my 40th Birthday party was one of the best gifts I can EVER remember receiving! My jaw hung open, for I think several minutes, as they walked inside my house. And to make the visit even more incredible, I was able to meet and get to know their beautiful, 1 year old daughter, Zoe!

I so enjoyed playing and snuggling with Zoe. She is so sweet and so happy, and those mesmerizing blue eyes... What a joy to be around! Of course, I couldn't resist grabbing the camera throughout the weekend. I mean.... WHO could resist?!

Happy 1st Birthday Zoe! Cindy & Andrew.... I can't thank you enough for making the trek out here and for all the great memories!

Click on the photo above to see images from our fun-filled weekend. For hands-free viewing, I recommend using slide-show mode on medium or fast speed.